A great treat arrived today. It's an in depth look at the work of FHK Henrion, one of the most influential graphic designers in British design history. It's from Unit Editions and it's absolutely gorgeous. Not only is does it have a beautiful cloth bound, black slip case and a stunning cloth cover it's also incredibly detailed. It covers so much of Henrion's work, from wartime through to many of the brands and identities that became part of the visual identity of the UK in the '70s and '80s.
I first became aware of FHK Henrion as a design student through the Icograda organisation. It was the first time I'd seen people discussing graphic design from an ethical and moralistic stance. That's when I became aware of the deep history of designers taking a stance for humanity and how they could do that along side commercial work.
It's a great book, truly worthy of a great man. Fantastic job done by all involved and yet another beautiful object from Spin.
Find out more and get a copy here: https://uniteditions.com/shop/fhk-henrion